St Austell Printing Company are proud to be an official “Carbon Balanced Printer”

Our Ethical Conduct, Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy.

St. Austell Printing Company Limited (“the company’’) is totally committed to both the spirit and the letter of the law, relating to the provision of equal opportunities in employment and the prevention of discrimination. The company is committed to providing a product and a service to clients of the highest quality and believes that, this can only be achieved by recruiting, retaining and encouraging staff development, by the fairest means possible.

Accordingly the company strives to select and manage staff on an equal basis without regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion or belief, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, disability (past or present), pregnancy, trade union membership or nonmembership.

This principle will apply in respect of all terms, conditions and benefits of work, including pay and in applications of employment.

1. The company is opposed to all and any forms of unlawful and unfair, direct or indirect discrimination on any grounds, and in particular those of race, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender, marital status or disability.
2. The company is desirous of achieving and maintaining a workforce that represents the composition of the population and recruitment area within the framework of the law.
3. The company is committed to operating procedures and practices which do not discriminate and which provide genuine equal opportunities for all employees both in terms of job opportunities, training, development, and equal pay for work of equal value.
4. The company recognizes that all employees should be treated with respect and dignity, and will encourage a culture in which people are deterred from attempting to victimize or harass those with whom they work, and are able to confidentially register any instances, which may appear to constitute this and have them resolved without it being to their detriment.
5. The company will operate a policy and procedure of recruiting, selecting, training, promoting and developing individuals according to objectives and job-related criteria in order to achieve equality and fairness.
6. The company will train all levels of management in their responsibilities under the equal opportunities legislation.
7. The company will undertake regular reviews of any procedure that may be inherently discriminatory e.g. recruitment, selection, promotion and training.
8. The company will operate a Grievance Procedure to promptly and satisfactorily resolve any issues involving discrimination or harassment. Any employee having a complaint of discrimination or victimization is encouraged to raise the matter under the company’s Grievance Procedure. Then complaint will be fully examined and all possible actions taken to eradicate the problem.
9. All employees are required to comply with the company’s Equal Opportunities Policy and co-operate with any measure introduced to implement it. Failure to do so will result in action being taken under the company’s Disciplinary Procedure.
10. The Company will work to retain a broad representation of people with appropriate skills and knowledge and to avoid a bias towards any particular group or society.
11. In accordance with the Equality Act 2010 disabled people will be treated no less favourably than other people in recruitment, terms and conditions of employment, opportunities for promotion, training or transfer, or disciplinary action and dismissal.
12. The company will operate fully in accordance with the recommendations in the Department of Education and Employment’s Code of Practice for the Elimination of Discrimination in the field of Employment against Disable Persons and will therefore consider how the needs of the disabled people can best be met. These needs may include access to the workplace, welfare facilities, health and safety issues, methods of doing the
job, equipment and facilities, etc.
13. There is no requirement that any employee should be a member of a trade union. The Company does not restrict employees from collective bargaining and it is solely a personal decision for all employees as to whether they wish to join a trade union or collective bargaining, and the company confirms that the employment, training and development of any employee will not be influenced in any way by whether or not they are
in union membership.
14. The company commits to abide by all anti-discriminatory legislation and keeps up to date with current legislation developments.
15. All appointments and promotions will be based on merit.

The company reviews this policy annually and changes will be publicised to employees.

This Policy has been approved and authorised by:

Name: Peter Moody

Position: Managing Director

Date: January 2024