Based in St Agnes, Surfers Against Sewage are a national charity dedicated to the protection of oceans, waves, beaches and wildlife. The 250 Club is a business membership scheme designed to support SAS in their ongoing campaigns to help protect the UK’s unique coastal environment.
Beth Mayman, SAPC’s Operations Manager said: “We’re passionate about sustainability and the environment. Being based in Cornwall and overlooking St Austell Bay we have a particular interest in ensuring our oceans and marine life are looked after. Many members of our team and their families choose to spend time around the coastline and we also have a couple of talented surfers here too. We’re very pleased to support SAS in the important work they do raising awareness of the challenges our seas face.”
SAPC, who have been named the UK’s most environmentally-friendly printing company regularly work with Surfers Against Sewage on printing and mailing projects in their modern. sustainable factory – which features one of Cornwall’s largest roof-based solar panel arrays.
Jacey Russell, Fundraising and Administration Officer for SAS said: “The 250 Club is so important for SAS, not only because members help us to raise vital funds to continue our work, but also because being a 250 Club member is being part of a community of amazing businesses driving forward a movement for change.
“It means a lot to us to have this grassroots support, especially from local businesses like SAPC, as it helps us to stay connected to our local environment too.”
You can find out more about Surfers Against Sewage on their website here.